Si Ud. es investigador del departamento y sus publicaciones cargadas en CVar no figuran en el siguiente listado, por favor ingrese su CUIL en el sistema. El listado de publicaciones se actualiza diariamente.


  1. Daniel Ciolek, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Interaction Models and Automated Control under Partial Observable Environments" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING , (2016).
  2. antonio fillieri, martina maggio , Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS , (2016).
  3. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Daniel Ciolek, Sebastian Uchitel. "Directed Controller Synthesis of Discrete Event Systems: Taming Composition with Heuristics" Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  4. Natalia Rodriguez, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Sebastian Uchitel. "Stochastic Generalized Reactivity (1) Games" Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , (2016).
  5. Leandro Nahabedian, Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Shinichi Honiden, Jeff Kramer, Kenji Tei, Sebastian Uchitel. "Assured and Correct Dynamic Update of Controllers - BEST PAPER AWARD" Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2016).


  1. Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Jeff Kramer, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "MORPH: A Reference Architecture for Configuration and Behaviour Self-Adaptation" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Control Theory for Software Engineering , (2015).
  2. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Robust degradation and enhancement of robot mission behaviour in unpredictable environments" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Control Theory for Software Engineering , (2015).
  3. Sebastián Sardiña, Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Towards Fully Observable Non-deterministic Planning as Assumption-based Automatic Synthesis" Proceeding of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , (2015).
  4. Germán Regis, Renzo Degiovanni, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nazareno Aguirre. "Specifying Event-Based Systems with a Counting Fluent Temporal Logic" Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering , (2015).
  5. Antonio Filieri, Martina Maggio , Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Software Engineering meets Control Theory" Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems , (2015).


  1. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Multi-tier Control for Adaptive Systems" ICSE 2014 Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering , (2014).
  2. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Controllability in Partial and Uncertain Environments" 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, {ACSD} 2014 , (2014).
  3. Ivo Krka, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nenad Medvidović, Sebastian Uchitel. "Revisiting Compatibility of Input-Output Modal Transition Systems" FM 2014: Formal Methods , (2014).


  1. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesising Non-Anomalous Event-Based Controllers for Liveness Goals" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY , (2013).
  2. Sebastian Uchitel, Dalal Alrajeh, Shoham Ben-David, Victor Braberman, Marsha Chechik, Guido De Caso, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Diego Garbervetsky, Jeff Kramer, Alessandra Russo, German Sibay. "Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration" Computer Science - Research and Development Volume 28, (2013): 279-293.
  3. Victor Braberman, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Nir Piterman, Daniel Sykes, Sebastian Uchitel. "Controller synthesis: from modelling to enactment" ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering , (2013).


  1. Dario Fischbein, Greg Brunet, Nicolas D'Ippolito, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "Weak Alphabet Merging of Partial Behaviour Models" ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY Volume 21, (2012): 9-58.
  2. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "The Modal Transition System Control Problem" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 7436, (2012): 155-170.
  3. Nicolas D'Ippolito. "Synthesis of event-based controllers: A software engineering challenge" ICSE , (2012).


  1. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesis of live behaviour models for fallible domains" Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering , (2011).


  1. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Marcelo Frias, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Esteban Lanzarotti, Sergio Mera. "Alloy+HotCore: A Fast Approximation to Unsat Core" LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume 5977, (2010): 160-173.
  2. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Victor Braberman, Nir Piterman, Sebastian Uchitel. "Synthesis of Live Behaviour Models" Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering , (2010).


  1. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Marsha Chechik, Sebastian Uchitel. "MTSA: The Modal Transition System Analyser" Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering , (2008).


  1. Nicolas D'Ippolito, Dario Fischbein, Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel. "MTSA: Eclipse support for modal transition systems construction, analysis and elaboration" Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange , (2007).